Thursday, October 21, 2010

And the Adventure Begins...

If you had asked me a year ago if I would be a stay at home mom today,  I would have  told you you were crazy.  I was perfectly content working full time and being a mom after 5:00 and on the weekends.  Or so I thought.   I was secretly jealous of my friends who got to stay at home with their kids, but I couldn't justify quitting my job and staying home.  We needed two incomes right?  Plus, I had gone to  college for four years and racked up thousands of dollars in student loans in order to work in my chosen field.  How could I really just throw that away? Could I still be considered a productive member of society if I didn't work outside the home? What would happen when I was ready to go back?   Could I really handle being home with my two boys all day?  All of these things kept me from making it happen. 

Then, everything changed.  My husband got a great opportunity with a great company in another city, and he is actually the one who brought it up.  He'd known how I felt even without me talking about it too much.  (that's why I love him...)  So, he devised a plan, whereby we could pay off some debt and work things out so  I could stay home when we moved to the new city. 

I have been contemplating my new role as a SAHM for five months now, while my husband commuted every day to work and I have been absorbing the vast majority of the child related duties, the morning routine, taking them to daycare, picking them up, making dinner, etc.  I have been looking forward to things being significantly LESS rushed and hectic. I have been eagerly anticipating spending more time and taking a more active role in my boys' education.  What they have been learning at "school," they will now learn from me! I have plans to get preschool lesson plans, set aside time each day to do lessons, music and crafts.  In short, I have become enamored with the possibilities.  Whether my daydreams will turn into reality has yet to be determined.

And this is where my story begins.  Today is my first day home alone with my boys for the whole day.  Upon advice of several of my friends,  I got up and took a shower and got dressed before Mike left for work.  I want to make sure I don't fall into the "lounging around in my PJ's all day," rut.  And Lord knows, if I wait till the kids are up, it could be 4:00 before I get to shower.  Today, the plan is to check out the local library, change my address at the SOS and make the first of presumably thousands of trips to Target. So, here I sit, blogging while my kids watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in their pajamas.  With that said, it is time for them to get dressed.  Great things await us.


  1. Good luck! As someone who sometimes forgets to feed my cat and can't manage to cook for one most days, I'm prepared to be amazed by your daily feats...enjoy!!

  2. Ashli I love the name of your blog! I commend you for this bold action, many people identify themselves with their job, and believe their stature is based on working 60 hrs a week. I envy you because I want to be in your shoes. There is nothing I would want more than to spend MORE time with my kids. I encourage you to keep posting to this blog, as I will be eagerly waiting to know how you fair through this transition.
