Thursday, November 4, 2010

Socializing? What's that?

With a couple weeks of being home with my kids under my belt, I’m feeling pretty good about it.  I will admit, I did panic a little at the beginning, wondering what the heck I was getting myself into, but we seem to be adjusting to this new lifestyle.  We are getting a routine down, naps are getting back to normal, etc. 

The problem I am facing is we have not met anyone here in Battle Creek.  Everyone says I am very social and I shouldn’t have any problems making new friends.  They are right, in part.  I am very social.  Once I know you.  I find it very difficult to make new friends and usually wait for others to make the first move.  That, coupled with the fact that it is now November, is posing a very large hurdle  in our path to making new friends, and therefore having some outside socialization. 

I know this is necessary for both me and the boys.  I am already sensing some anger from Caleb for taking him away from his friends at school.  He is the kind of kid that needs  a lot of structure and thrives on the social interactions he was getting at school.  He has become very whiny and impatient and tends to lose his temper more and more when he doesn’t get what he wants.  The question is, where do I find the socialization he needs without paying for preschool or daycare?  Thankfully, we have signed up for a playtime/story time at the library.  That class starts next week and runs for four Tuesdays.  So that will be a start.  But  I am at a loss for additional ideas about where to socialize during the winter. Anybody have any ideas?  If we are going to stay sane this winter, we are definitely going to need to get out of the house more thane once a week!

On another subject, Quinn has gone on the potty twice in the last week!  I know, it’s probably just a pure accident, but it makes me see the light at the end of the diaper tunnel! 


  1. If you are church going, start there. If not, you should check with the local tourism office. Usually they have lots of groups to join. Newcomers, mommy playgroups, that sort of thing. The library is an excellent place to start. Especially if you go every week at the same time. You'll definitely start to recognize people. The children's librarians will be helpful too in pointing out other mommies.
    You'll get there.

  2. What, I am not enough? j/k.

    We will get there baby. I say we because this is a team effort. I will always help in any way I possibly can.

  3. I know we have discussed the MOPS group. I know they meet in the evenings but if you were to look at it as a socialization tool for you and not your kids you may get more out of it. Going and meeting the MOMS in your area can open up some friendships so you can make plans outside of MOPS. Play Dates during the week on your own terms. Just a thought and because I don't belong to it I really don't know but was just thinking about ya!

  4. We used to joke about taking out a personal add to meet friends. "Married thirty-something couple with toddler who enjoy golf, shopping and caillou seek simlar family for Saturday afternoons of gold, shopping, and caillou." But really, library is great, I met most of my aquaintances here that way. I'm trying to get into a MOPS. What about a parks and rec program? They usually have things like "music for tots" and stuff like that. Gymboree? (Kinda pricey, I think). for you- bookclub? If you are churchgoers..... women's bible study or something?
