Okay, okay, I know it has been a VERY long time since I last blogged. Just haven't felt like it I guess. I have had a rough winter, lot's of anxiety and I have just felt generally down. I'm pretty sure it's been brought on by these major life changes and probably the lack of sunlight. I'm feeling a lot better though. And spring is finally here and we are starting to get out and do more stuff. I will now attempt to sum up the last three months for you all:
I joined M.O.P.S., which I love and the boy love going too. Meeting some great moms and getting a nice 2-hour break from the boys twice a month. We went to Florida at the end of March, we had great weather and the boys had fun swimming in the pool. I was sick most of the time, but it was still nice to get away from home for a while and have Mary and Jim around to help out with the boys. Caleb and Mike went to a Tigers game and caught a foul ball! We spent Easter with my parents and the boys had lots of fun playing in grandma and grandpa's yard and hunting for Easter eggs.
Caleb turned three in January. We had a fun party and he stocked up on toys for the year. He has been completely potty trained since early February. Only wears pull-ups at night time. Quinn is talking more and more. He regularly says two word sentences and sometimes three words in a row. His favorite words are "try?" and "brother." The other day he said "Dada work PopTarts!" He love to "drive," which means sitting in the car, van or on the tractor while it is off and pretending to drive. And he has climbed out of his crib a couple of times. Had to move the changing table since that was how he was getting out. Caleb knows our address and our phone number now. I am so proud of him! He's also learning how to button and zip, still having trouble with the snaps on his pants though. Got to work on the hand strength.
Mike has been traveling A LOT lately. So, the boys and I have been on our own quite a bit. He's been gone since Monday morning and will be home tomorrow finally. The other day the boys and I drove to Lansing to visit my grandma. She's 89 and I want them to know her while they can. They had a lot of fun playing with her flashlight and her walker! Then we met Nana at Chuck E Cheese for lunch and lots of fun games. For those of you who care, the Chuck E Cheese in Lansing is way better than the one in Kalamazoo. We have had a few trips to the library, lots of inside playing, making tents in the living room, craft projects, etc. Lots of walks to the park at the elementary school, a few trips to the awesome playground at Bailey Park. I took the boys to the nature trail the other day too. I really want them to grow up being comfortable in the woods, like I did. If it would ever warm up, we could maybe find some morels.
We have been going to a great church that we all like. They have great music The boys love Mr. Fred, who is their Sunday school teacher. We joined a "small group," which is really a discussion group/bible study. I'm not really sure yet if I like it or not. Right now I'm leaning toward not. It's just very hard for me to see how narrow some people's views are.
We already have lots of plans lined up for the summer: trip to grandma and grandpa's house, two camping trips, my brother's wedding, my friend's wedding, hmm.... I think that's it so far. Planning to buy a family membership to the Zoo so we can go whenever we want. The boys love it. Plan to check out the beach here in B.C., haven't seen it yet. I'm sure it won't compare to Lake Charlevoix or Silver Beach, but at least their's sand and water. Also, there is a water park downtown Battle Creek. The only problem is the boys are not big enought to go on the water slides. I know that would be a pain because that's all they would want to do if we go. We'll see, might try it anyway.
I promise to start blogging a little more regularly. :-) I know you are all hanging on my every word so I better deliver!
Aw, I had a hard time for a while after we moved, too! (Four month old, utterly sleep deprived, away from friends and family...). It's just a lot, I guess. Glad you are feeling better.