Thursday, January 13, 2011

Epic Potty Training FAIL

Okay, today has not been a good day.  I talked with Caleb this morning about both of us trying really hard to make it a good day.  We even “pinky swore,” that we would do our best.  Well, both of us failed.  Things were going fairly well for a few hours.  He and Quinn were watching an episode of Dino Dan on the computer in the dining room, and I was chopping vegetables in the kitchen for a crock pot dinner.  I went in and asked Caleb to go in and go potty, since it had been a while.  I paused the show and reminded him of our pinky swear.  He went in there with only a little whining, which is better than sometimes.  I followed him after I had paused the show on the computer to find him standing next to the sink in a giant puddle of pee!  WHAT????  He purposefully stood next to the sink and emptied his entire bladder.  So, that was how he broke his pinky swear.

I shamefully report that I completely lost it.  I yelled at him and made him clean it up.  I proceeded to stomp around the house and spout off about how upset I was and how he was in so much trouble.  Then I sent him to his room.

What is wrong with me?  What is wrong with him?  Why can’t he just go in the potty without all the drama?  Why do I have to take it so personally and let my anger take over?  At this point I am so exhausted by these antics, I just feel like putting him back in diapers and giving up!  It would be different if he were having true accidents.  These are not accidents. He can go for a whole week without an accident.  He definitely does this on purpose.  I know it’s probably my fault, but what do I do now?  I am at a complete loss.  We have been working on this for MONTHS and we just seem to be going backward!!!


  1. maybe it's a control thing and the more invested you seem in it, the more he wants to spite you? I don't know- Ben is still in pull ups half the time. So it's not like I have any success tips to offer. We hav't made too big of a deal about it yet b/c he doesn't seem totally ready. After his birthday maybe I'll switch him to all undies....

  2. My boss always says to me, "He's not going to go to kindergarten in diapers". I'm taking that approach with Mason and letting it happen when it happens. :)

  3. ..after you told me you had a blog, I had to check it out!
    Loved reading this post, look at you now.. you are completely over the potty training roller coaster for both boys!!! :)
